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3 Books On Non-Monogamy Everyone Should Read

Oct 28, 2022

Over the past 14 years, I have read numerous books on the juicy subject of Non-Monogamy and Human Evolution.

Unfortunately, most of them were a waste of time. They could have easily been blog posts or even newsletter emails.

Instead, I encourage you to give these 3 a read.

They're well worth the time.

Book #1: Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan

I first read this book in 2012! It changed my life forever.

And here's why you'll love it: It dives deep into human anatomy (wink, wink), and primal behavior to explain why we suck at monogamy, so very badly. It permits us to not feel so much shame around our human-ness by providing the science. In a sentence, it made me finally feel sane as a young, poly-curious woman…

Book #2: The Art of Open Relating: Volume 1 - Carl E Stevens Jr.

This book was recommended to me by none, other than my father (who also happens to be the author).

Here's why I think you'll love it: It gives a raw, and honest account of the story of a non-monogamous man. He breaks down the stigma, and provides clarity by explaining what ENM is all about, and if it’s truly right for you.

Book #3: The 9 Expressions of Love

Finally, I think everyone should read this book.

And here's why I think you'll love it: It bursts through the myth that there everyone must follow the same script in romance. Boy meets girl, they go on a date… you know the rest. It invites the other relationship structures to the party, and explains that there is more than one chemical reaction when two people have an attraction!

I hope you enjoy my list and decide to check these fine works out. 

If you’re interested in more resources, and support in your transition, check out my website, where I provide options to obtain valuable tools for your journey:

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